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PENS FOR TROOPS! January 18th

01/09/2020 11:10 AM | Deleted user

If you would like to support the military men and women who are serving and protecting our country, and you are addicted to pen turning like me, Phil Adilla is looking for volunteers on our next open shop day, Saturday, January 18th, from 9 am until noon, to turn pens that will be sent to our active-duty troops. 

So come out on the 18th and show your support for these amazing men and women by sharing your love for turning.  This gives us an opportunity to give them something they can use every day that shows them how much we appreciate their sacrifice.  

If you have any questions about our club's "Pens for Troops" project, please reach out to any of the club officers!

BTW, I turned and finished 10 sets of pre-tubed pen blanks last week on open shop day.  Who is up to outdoing me? :) 

Chapter 120
American Association of Woodturners

3061 E Riverside Dr
Fort Myers, FL 33916

2020 Grant Recipient

Copyright (c) 2019 Woodturners of Southwest Florida, Inc.

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